Guest Room Reveal


I was talking with a friend the other day who said she was impressed that I was upgrading my guest room. In her words, “My guest room is a junkyard of discarded seconds that aren’t good enough for the rest of the house, so land there.”

I think that’s a pretty common story!

Our own guest room started off in a pretty sad state. I searched for hours to show you a true before, the one when we just moved into the house. I’m sure I didn’t want to document that awful blue carpet, but at least I did capture the gnarly ceiling fan that haunted me for about 11 years.

So yes, when you say the guest room might not be your priority, I get it.

On the other hand, how nice would it be for your guests to arrive to a room that you were actually proud of? To think of how many guests we’ve had over the last 11 years, I can only wish that I had the gumption to update this room a long time ago.


Excuse this shady before pic. You can see I didn’t spend much time documenting this room before. At least I got the crappy fan. But if you can imagine blue carpet on the floor, you’ll get the full effect.



Desha Peacock