Need career clarity? Try these 5 things.

Looking for clarity around your career?

Perhaps you dreamed of being an interior designer but you studied marketing. You’ve tried the design world and that dream isn’t panning out and you are questioning whether you give a hoot about marketing.

Or maybe, you work in corporate and feel beholden to the golden handcuffs, yet you crave something more creative and/or meaningful.

If you need some dream clarity, follow these 5 steps below to re-discover your Sweet Spot.


Step 1: Reflect on your dream

Consider journaling on these questions:

  • Am I still passionate about the dream I had when I was younger, or has that shifted?

  • What is most important to me right now? (I use a lifeSTYLE intention to guide me. See more on this in Step 2).

  • If I could do anything, regardless of circumstances, what would light me up the most?

Step 2: Craft your LifeSTYLE Intention

It’s great to have a goal, but sometimes our goals actually limit us. Maybe you think when you accomplish your goal, you’ll achieve success or that it will bring you more joy. Sadly, this is often not the case. We undershoot with our goals and misjudge what will give us the feelings we truly desire.

Instead, I encourage you to go straight for the feelings by crafting a LifeSTYLE Intention.

Clarity brings focus.

Focus brings abundance.

A clear life intention can help you maintain that focus so you can create a biz + life you crave. Your intention is your road map, your mission statement, your guiding force that keeps you on track and helps you manifest what you want faster. Get started now by downloading your free LifeSTYLE Intention Guide.

Step 3: Reflect on your personality

Look into some personality assessments to help you reflect on careers that suit your personality type such as the Myers Briggs and the Enneagram.  Some people also swear by Human Design. I found the Myers Briggs incredibly helpful when I was in grad school. Spoiler alert: it didn't tell me what my dream career was, but it did help me realize some really important things about myself.

For example, I don’t like routine. I like project-based work. I need work that is meaningful and creative. I need endless room to grow. I am a visionary. Paying attention to minute details are not my strong suit (although possible if I really concentrate). Can you guess what type I am?

If you guessed ENFP, you’re right!

Step 4: Don't try to figure out your life purpose

Don’t try to figure out your life purpose. That’s mission impossible. Instead pay attention to what you’re curious about. I got this concept from the book  Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and I think it’s brilliant.

Step 5: Watch your mindset

If you notice you are having a hard time dreaming because all those sneaky little obstacles are crowding out the dream, read the book  Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.

Truth bomb: most people won’t allow themselves to dream b/c as soon as they do thoughts like these stop us…

I’m too old.

I’m too young.

I don’t live in the right place.

I’m not qualified.

I don’t have time.

I’m a mom.

I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough….

All of these thoughts stop you from even dreaming. You can’t have clarity, if you can’t dream. And guess what, it won’t kill you to use your imagination. Pinky swear.

More stuff to help:

Hope that helps you get started on this quest.  Let me know how it goes.

Desha Peacock