I run two businesses, The Neighborgoods and The Neighborgoods Studio, and wanted help switching my former side hustle to become my main business and source of income. Working with Desha was such a great experience! She helped me make decisions guiding me to stay on track and move in the direction I wanted to go. She gave me ideas that opened my eyes to new opportunities and the support to grow my business, my social media, and email list! After working with her, I am now living in my sweet spot focused on growing the business I enjoy most.
Jodi Kostelnik, Illustrator/Owner of The Neighborgoods
I hired Desha with the intention of working with her for only six months, but six months turned into two years! Why? Because Desha has helped me flourish in ways I thought was never imaginable. When I hired Desha I was stuck and frustrated in my professional and personal life. I needed someone to gently push me out of my comfort zone and help me find my Sweet Spot. One area I really wanted help with was my Instagram account. Everyone was killing it on Instagram. I had only 200 followers when I first started working with her, and by the first month, I gained over a 1,000. By gaining a larger following via Instagram more doors have opened up for me, that otherwise wouldn’t have. Desha has helped find confidence, clarify and my Sweet Spot. Thank you Desha!
Pippin Schupbach
Artist/Virtual Assistant

Hiring Desha was one the best investments I've made for myself. Honestly, even better than college! It's because she helped me get clear, focused and straight to the point in my aspirations. Desha listened to my goals, struggles, fears and was a gentle guidance during my journey of making my online shop a reality. I looked forward to our meetings and her detailed notes she'd send to recap my intentions and keep me accountable in the process. She is also very connected and opened doors for me that otherwise would have been more difficult for me to find. Desha really has a gift of connecting, and encouraging women to dream big and follow their hearts. I'm very thankful I found her!
Sarah Bennett
Vintage Seller/Virtual Manager

I hired Desha again because she never fails to motivate and inspire me. Desha possesses a unique blend of work ethic, playfulness, integrity and confidence that is utterly contagious! I’ve tried other life coaches before but no one has had the powerful effect on me that Desha has. She has helped me clarify my goals (in both my yoga biz and my writing career) and then take steps to reach those clear goals. She’s also one of the most genuine, fun, and encouraging people I’ve ever met.
Diana Whitney,
Yoga Instructor and award-winning poet

Desha pushes me to find abilities I was unaware existed inside of me. She guides me towards my intuition and is my biggest cheerleader when at times I felt like I was the only struggling boss babe in the world! At the end of our time together I was gaining momentum and did not want it to stop. It was a no-brainer that six months was just NOT enough time to work together (I started with her RIGHT as I launched my brand), so I signed on for six more months. Desha helps me gain clarity on my goals and stay focused on the big picture while holding me accountable for our work together.
Lindsey Goldwasser
Yoga Instructor/Holistic health & Lifestyle Advocate/Wellness Educator

Desha is a breath of fresh air. She is positive, vibrant and organized. As we were growing our business, we needed some help with social media and growing our email list. Desha inspired us to try some new things and continue to build our email list. Also, due to some great new work that came our way, we had to be very flexible in our schedule with her and she easily accommodated our requests. She is a valuable thinking partner and a joy to work with.
Katie Fredricksen and Sarah Healy
Co-Founders of The BlueSky Project

Desha helped to transform my company's Instagram presence - in both style and purpose. She was able to grow my following from 408 to 2050 over the course of two months...record breaking!!! Because of her strategic direction and efforts I’m now receiving client inquires via Instagram, which is super excited and works as another amazingly effective way to advertise my interior design, styling and event agency. Thanks Desha for helping hone my (Insta) #sweetspot.
Cara Paige
Founder & Creative Director of Cover Paige Creative

Breakthrough: I was afraid of Instagram. I was afraid to "be seen". I'm private and used to sort of hide behind the screen so to speak. Desha helped me define my style and begin to explore instagram like never before. My soul has soared and who knew how much I would love connecting with people from all over the world . My affirmation, "it's ok to be seen"' has actually manifested.
Laura Madrigano
Designer, Spiritual Life + Business Coach

I hired Desha again because she listens to me and takes action. Truly, she makes ME TAKE THE ACTION but she provides loving direction and encouragement. I know she cares about the outcome. Thank you Desha.
Stephanie Kay Atwood
Founder of Activate Your WOW!

Working with Desha was amazing. She pushed me and helped organize my business so that I can see things from a different perspective. She changed my life by helping me become more grounded through meditation and to help me increase my income by gaining new clients. I love what she has done to help me increase my life above and beyond. Thanks a bunch Desha!
Sequena Luckett
Success Coach

Desha quickly became very attuned to me & my personality type. I have learned so much about myself from our sessions. As it turns out, I had a hidden dream. A dream to write a musical, but I had dismissed the idea years ago. Thank goodness Desha has a way of breaking through all kinds of barriers because it changed the course of my life. Even though there was resistance, Desha would NOT let me dismiss my dream. She saw something in me that I didn’t. I was recently accepted into a competitive performing artist’s residency program & currently knee deep into the process of writing that musical! I am forever grateful to Desha for her belief in me & her ceaseless efforts to keep me pointed toward my North Star. I have finally found my true calling which feels amazing. I’ve never felt so aligned with my creative work as I do today. And that is all to her credit.
Karla Aron
Artist & Musician