Your results are in!

Let’s find out what’s been stalling your heart-centered biz + how to fix it!


Lost Your Mojo

Who you are:

Dear one, you’re a passionate entrepreneur emerging from a rough spell. Right now, you’re transitioning in your business, your life or maybe both. Maybe it’s just been awhile and you’re lacking confidence. You might have taken a break to take care of children or an aging parent. Or maybe something painful surrounding the business, even a betrayal, left you feeling burned or burned out

When you have a heart-centered biz, it cuts deeper when you get burned, don’t feel valued, or feel out of your element than it would if your biz were just about making an income. Having a heart-centered biz makes you more vulnerable because you care sooo much. When things go wrong with your passion-based biz, it can almost take you down.

You’ve experienced success, but this thing (let’s call it a transition) has left you feeling like you’re on the sidelines and you’re worried about getting back in the ring—or even if this is the right ring for you. 

Either way, you have mixed emotions right now. You are feeling the call for something new (in some shape or another), but you’re also feeling a bit fragile. 

Deep down you know you have what it takes, and you can feel it’s time to follow your heart, but you’d rather not do it alone. You’d love for someone to walk with you with care, hold your hand and gently help you move along this path as you integrate your new lessons learned.  

You’re not alone and your heart-centered work in this world matters, honey. Here’s what it has the potential to look like…

HOLD UP!  Does this sound like you? If you’re like noooo way Desha, then HOP OVER  and check out the other results. These quiz things aren’t an exact science, so forgive me if you’ve landed in the wrong orbit. Check out the other results right here. 

Hi, I’m desha

Before we go any further, let me introduce myself... I’m a lifeSTYLE / small-biz coach, home decor author, international retreat leader, and overall multi-passionate entrepreneur.

I invented a career that fits my personality and lifeSTYLE goals so that I can have limitless income potential and work from anywhere in the world (whether that’s on my couch, the beach, or in a café in Mexico).

Today, I teach heart-centered women like you
how to make money doing work you love.

Wanna learn how to get your MOJO back?

This is who you have the potential to be + 3 steps to help you get there.

Who you aspire to be: 

You’ve already released a lot and you’re feeling sparks of inspiration and energy. You can feel this little flame inside you growing and you’re ready to fan it. 

As you start to remember all of the meaningful reasons you began your biz in the first place, you feel more confident and more sure about yourself and your direction. You’re no longer afraid to take risks, especially calculated ones. 

You feel really good about your new direction. You are clear. You have someone (or a circle of people) that believe in you, get you, and see your full potential.

You are taking all the lessons, all the knowledge and experience and rather than discarding it, you’re folding it into this new you. Your flame is becoming a red hot fire. 

3 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back

Step 1: Release the old.

Step 2: Dream of the new.

Step 3: Don’t delay or overthink it; action brings clarity.

Let’s break it down into the practical…

Step 1: Relese the old.

I see you over there burning that piece of paper with all your wounds, but I can tell there’s still something lingering. Releasing rituals are beautiful, but what I really need you to do is to decide right now to let the pain go and move on. That is going to require you to be a thought ninja.

When that old, painful thought comes up (the one that’s been keeping you down—you know the one)... I want you to notice it, acknowledge it and then consciously decide to let it go

Sometimes it helps to use an affirmation. While it might feel counterintuitive, showing gratitude for the pain / lessons can help you recover more quickly. Here’s one for you to make your own: 

Thank you for (xyz). It taught me (xyz). Now I feel strong and ready to (xyz). 

Ex. Thank you for how that biz deal went down. It taught me that I can go through something difficult and still persevere. Now I feel strong and ready to go in this new direction. 

Every time one of those old thought patterns comes knocking at your door, rinse and repeat. It’s time to retrain that brain so it’s ready for all the abundance coming your way.

Step 2: Dream of the new. 

This is the fun part. When you’ve lost your mojo, you aren’t in the mood to play. But once you’ve decided to let go of the past and embrace your lessons, you can allow yourself to have fun with your imagination again. 

There are so many fun ways to do this. My favorite is to imagine what I call your Sweet Spot, which is totally self-defined. 

My definition is simply making money doing work I love. That’s really important to me. So important that I’ve made it my life’s goal to accomplish it and help others along the way. 

If you were to let your imagination play, what does your Sweet Spot look like? How would you define it?

Step 3: Don’t delay or overthink it; action brings clarity.. 

A side effect of lost mojo is something I call brain fog. They are a nasty little pair, these two. If you’ve lost your mojo, not only are you feeling bummed, but the brain fog makes it that much worse. 

Brain fog is when you have too many ideas cluttering up your mind, making it hard to focus. So your thoughts dart around like a little pinball machine. Your thoughts can exhaust you before you’ve even moved from the couch!

Then comes the decision fatigue. That’s when you can’t make the tiniest decision because it all feels too important, too much. So you ask everyone else what to do and again, you exhaust yourself over every little thing. You can’t get very far in that state, now can you?

Ok, so what to do?!?

You take action. Even if it's not the perfect action. You literally just take the damn action. Then something crazy happens. That action (even if it’s not perfect!), will magically lead you to another action and through a series of actions you will be moving along! You won’t be stuck in the fog anymore. You will be moving and that my dear gives you your MOJO BACK!

Inspired Action Steps:

1. It’s old thought declutter time! Be a thought ninja and release those old patterns.

2. Dream a Little Dream—Download this LifeSTYLE Intention Guide and write out what your Sweet Spot biz / life looks like. 

3. Take action now. Write three things you can do this week to get you closer to your Sweet Spot.


  1. Thought Management episode 19 on the Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo. In this episode, Brooke dives into how your thinking reflects your feelings and manifests your reality.

  2. LifeSTYLE Intention Guide: This guide will help you create your lifeSTYLE Intention based on your personal values and deepest goals. Inspired by the work of Danielle LaPorte, this guide will help you get clear on how you want to FEEL so you get straight to the good stuff.

  3. 7 Steps to Get Into Your Sweet Spot Biz + Life. These 7 steps will take you from brain fog to focused and ready to take inspired action so you can create the biz + live you crave.

  4. Clarity Call with Me. In this FREE 20 min consult, we’ll connect the dots between your personal passions and biz missions to get your mojo flowing again.

  5. Getting Your Business Mojo Back episode 28 on the Chill & Prosper Podcast with Denise Duffield-Thomas.

  6. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. This book will retrain your brain to think more creatively and positively in the face of setbacks.

  7. The Firestarter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle LaPorte. This book is one of my favorites. It’s an apathy-kicking, integrity-infused guide to defining success on your own terms.

  8. The Magic  by Rhonda Byrne. This book takes you on a 28-day practice to transform your life using the power of gratitude. 

  9. I love it when the universe aligns. If one of your priorities is building your email audience, check out my upcoming List From Scratch Course, which will help grow your list through attraction- style marketing. I know you’ll love it.

Ready for more?

Be on the lookout for a special email from moi with even more juicy ideas that’ll make your heart-centered biz jump for joy.