
Let’s find out what’s been stalling your heart-centered biz + how to fix it!

If you just weren’t feeling your initial result, see what resonates below.


1. Stuck in the Muck

Who you are:

Hi honey. I see you. You’re working SO hard and you’ve seen some results but you know you can do better. How do you know? Because you feel overwhelmed AND you aren’t hitting your goals.

The problem is you’re being jostled from task to task, stuck in the day-to-day of your biz. You don’t feel that gorgeous feeling of freedom that you were seeking when you first started.

Let’s be honest, your biz is working YOU rather than you working your biz

You don’t feel like you have time to step back and work on the bigger ideas that will help you grow. So you keep doing what you’ve always done with this constant feeling that you know there’s a better way—only you won’t stop long enough to figure it out. 

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I need to build my email list and provide consistent engagement over there, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. So instead I’ll post on Stories.

  • I look around and see people who have been in business who started after me, yet who seem much farther ahead. Ouch.

  • I’m busy all day, but I don’t seem to be increasing my profit.

Feeling seen? That’s okay. Actually, that’s good. Because it’s time to redirect ALL that hard work and hustle into the big moves that matter. You started all this because you had a heart-centered vision for your biz. Do you remember what that intention was?

It’s time to get back to it. So let’s get you up out of the muck, rinse you off, and get you ready to be the true, heart-centered leader your biz needs. Here’s what it has the potential to look like…

2. Lost Your Mojo

Who you are:

Dear one, you’re a passionate entrepreneur emerging from a rough spell. Right now, you’re transitioning in your business, your life or maybe both. Maybe it’s just been awhile and you’re lacking confidence. You might have taken a break to take care of children or an aging parent. Or maybe something painful surrounding the business, even a betrayal, left you feeling burned or burned out

When you have a heart-centered biz, it cuts deeper when you get burned, don’t feel valued, or feel out of your element than it would if your biz were just about making an income. Having a heart-centered biz makes you more vulnerable because you care sooo much. When things go wrong with your passion-based biz, it can almost take you down.

You’ve experienced success, but this thing (let’s call it a transition) has left you feeling like you’re on the sidelines and you’re worried about getting back in the ring—or even if this is the right ring for you. 

Either way, you have mixed emotions right now. You are feeling the call for something new (in some shape or another), but you’re also feeling a bit fragile. 

Deep down you know you have what it takes, and you can feel it’s time to follow your heart, but you’d rather not do it alone. You’d love for someone to walk with you with care, hold your hand and gently help you move along this path as you integrate your new lessons learned.  

You’re not alone and your heart-centered work in this world matters, honey. Here’s what it has the potential to look like…

3. Creative Overwhelm

Who you are:

You have big dreams and lots of ideas

I feel for you. We are a lot alike. You have so many talents and accolades, but girlfriend you are still under-earning and that has to change!

You have so many strengths, but those same strengths are also your biggest challenges! 

You are a creative visionary with LOTS of ideas and this is a beautiful gift, but sometimes it feels like your muse drank a red bull :)

That leaves you feeling overwhelmed, scattered and like you can’t move forward as fast as you’d like. 

In this state of overload, it’s hard to pick a next move (literally any move!), but with the right mindset, you can make your heart-centered biz as meaningful as you imagine. Here’s what it has the potential to look like…

4. Out of Alignment

Who you are:

You are an idealist at heart and that is beautiful. You’re drawn towards the creative and don’t want to feel like you are bothering someone or overcharging.

On the other hand, you crave financial and time freedom.

But that dream feels very far away. You can’t see how you will ever make the money you need with your current biz. 

In your secret dream of dreams you’d like to grow your gorgeous biz into a mini empire (so you aren’t just making enough to get by). But you’re worried your current biz can’t take you there.

That’s because your current biz model isn’t in alignment with your lifeSTYLE desires.  

Here are some examples of people suffering from a mis-aligned biz. Does this sound like you? 

  • You value freedom and international travel but have a small brick-and-mortar store that would sink without a strong support system (and right now that support is YOU).

  • You are a creative who is hand-making items and selling them at a low cost. You have a small audience and that means you are just breaking even.

  • You are a content creator with a low-cost membership and a small audience who gives your all but barely scrapes by. 

None of these scenarios aligns with the lifeSTYLE freedom you desire. But with a realignment of your goals and biz model, here’s what it has the potential to look like… 

Hi, I’m desha

Let me introduce myself... I’m a lifeSTYLE / small-biz coach, home decor author, international retreat leader, and overall multi-passionate entrepreneur.

I invented a career that fits my personality and lifeSTYLE goals so that I can have limitless income potential and work from anywhere in the world (whether that’s on my couch, the beach, or in a café in Mexico).

Today, I teach heart-centered women like you
how to make money doing work you love.

Find your hang-up?

Next Step: Dig in and follow your inspired action steps to get your heart-centered biz moving in the right direction.

Need Some lifeSTYLE Insight?

If you seek an intuitive guide who blends magic with strategy, book a call with me.

Let’s get your priorities straight!


Ready for more?

Be on the lookout for a special email from moi with even more juicy ideas that’ll make your heart-centered biz jump for joy.