Your results are in!
Let’s find out what’s been stalling your heart-centered biz + how to fix it!
Stuck in the Muck
Who you are:
Hi honey. I see you. You’re working SO hard and you’ve seen some results but you know you can do better. How do you know? Because you feel overwhelmed AND you aren’t hitting your goals.
The problem is you’re being jostled from task to task, stuck in the day-to-day of your biz. You don’t feel that gorgeous feeling of freedom that you were seeking when you first started.
Let’s be honest, your biz is working YOU rather than you working your biz.
You don’t feel like you have time to step back and work on the bigger ideas that will help you grow. So you keep doing what you’ve always done with this constant feeling that you know there’s a better way—only you won’t stop long enough to figure it out.
Do any of these sound like you?
I need to build my email list and provide consistent engagement over there, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. So instead I’ll post on Stories.
I look around and see people who have been in business who started after me, yet who seem much farther ahead. Ouch.
I’m busy all day, but I don’t seem to be increasing my profit.
Feeling seen? That’s okay. Actually, that’s good. Because it’s time to redirect ALL that hard work and hustle into the big moves that matter. You started all this because you had a heart-centered vision for your biz. Do you remember what that intention was?
It’s time to get back to it. So let’s get you up out of the muck, rinse you off, and get you ready to be the true, heart-centered leader your biz needs. Here’s what it has the potential to look like…
HOLD UP! Does this sound like you? If you’re like noooo way Desha, then HOP OVER and check out the other results. These quiz things aren’t an exact science, so forgive me if you’ve landed in the wrong orbit. Check out the other results right here.
Hi, I’m desha
Before we go any further, let me introduce myself... I’m a lifeSTYLE / small-biz coach, home decor author, international retreat leader, and overall multi-passionate entrepreneur.
I invented a career that fits my personality and lifeSTYLE goals so that I can have limitless income potential and work from anywhere in the world (whether that’s on my couch, the beach, or in a café in Mexico).
Today, I teach heart-centered women like you
how to make money doing work you love.
Wanna learn more about how to get UNSTUCK?
This is who you have the potential to be + 3 steps to help you get there.
Who you aspire to be:
You're ready to be the boss of your biz. You’re ready to lead with your heart and make incredible things happen. You’re ready to work your biz rather than it working you.
The way to do that is by focusing on your priorities, setting sacred time limits and honoring your boundaries.
By turning these suggestions into habits, you will actually create balance so you feel less overwhelmed and gain the time freedom you seek without sacrificing biz growth.
3 Steps to go from Stuck in the Muck, to: Damn, I don’t suck!
Step 1: Focus on your priorities.
Step 2: Set sacred time limits.
Step 3: Honor your boundaries.
Let’s break it down into the practical…
Step 1: Focus on your priorities.
In order to focus on your priorities, you first have to know what they are. What is your intention this year? What are your goals this quarter? What systems or types of help need to be in place to allow you to focus on these priorities?
Tip: Ideally you have a short list of priorities between 1-3 and no more than 4.
The fewer priorities you have, the more likely they will be achieved.
For example, the year I started my business was the same year I wrote my first book. In my vision book, I had two priorities: BUILD the brand + WRITE the book. There were lots of steps to achieve those big priorities, but by having two focused priorities, I was able to accomplish them both.
Step 2: Set sacred time limits.
You might feel like you don’t have enough time, but we’re all given the same amount. So it’s not that you don’t have enough time; it's that you're prioritizing it all wrong or maybe not at all.
If you’re ready to get unstuck from the muck, you’ve got to reflect on Step 1- Your Priorities. Then it’s time to set sacred time limits. Back to the example of when I first started my biz. As I was building my brand and writing my book, being a mom and all that jazz, I was also working a near full-time job.
Sometimes I would stay late at my job before coming home where I knew I’d be distracted the minute I walked in the door. I would set a timer for one hour (or sometimes even less) and work on my book. Other times I would stay up after my daughter went to bed and do the same.
These days I never (or very rarely) have to stay up late to work. I have an incredible abundance of time. But I still use my handy timer to stay focused on my priorities.
Setting boundaries and sacred time limits on your priorities helps you focus on what matters most while also creating balance so you don’t feel overwhelmed. This gives you time freedom without sacrificing biz growth and allows you to lean into the priorities that come from the heart.
Step 3: Honor your boundaries.
This one is easy in theory. Using the example above, let’s say you have a project. Maybe you are also writing a book or adding a new stream of income to your biz. You’ve set your priority. You’ve set your sacred times. Let’s say you decide you’ll work on your priority on Monday mornings from 6-7am and on Friday afternoons.
But then Monday morning rolls around and you realize you’re late with a client’s project, so instead you work on that during your sacred time. You still have Friday, right? But then on Friday, your mother-in-law calls and instead of letting it go to VM, you pick up. That hour you were going to spend upleveling your biz? Gone.
What to do?
Get in the habit of honoring your boundaries. When you set aside time to work on your priorities, don’t let anything get in the way (unless it’s an absolute emergency).
Whether it’s your child, your husband, client work, or even a member of your own team you can practice this: Hey so and so, I would love to help you with xyz, but right now I’m focusing on a big goal, so let me get back to you in an hour.
Not so hard, right?
Even better is if you can alert your family or team in advance and let them know you aren't available during your sacred priority times. Then they know exactly what to expect.
Priorities, time limits, boundaries—three powerful steps to help you redraw the lines around your heart-centered business and get growing.
Inspired Action Steps:
1. Ready, set, write! Get out your timer and set it for 30 mins. Write your top 1-3 biz priorities.
2. Keep it up. Set your timer for another 30 mins and write down the smaller tasks involved in accomplishing each goal.
3. Now look at your schedule and set two sacred times to work on your priorities this week.
4. When those two times roll around, honor your boundaries.
LifeSTYLE Intention Guide: This guide will help you create your lifeSTYLE Intention based on your personal values & deepest goals.
Boundaries episode 12 on the Life Coaching School Podcast with Brooke Castillo. I love Brooke’s approach on boundaries as a way of protecting ourselves rather than something that we create for other people.
Priorities Give You Power episode 63 on the Law of Attraction Changed My Life Podcast with Francesca Amber. If you haven’t listened to Francesca’s podcast, watch out, I think you’re going to love it. Just know she’s a major potty mouth—warned ya!
The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul by Danielle LaPorte. Shift from chasing goals and start chasing your feelings.
I love it when the universe aligns. If one of your priorities is building your email audience, check out my upcoming List From Scratch Course, which will help grow your list through attraction-style marketing. I know you’ll love it.
When you’re stuck in the muck, it can also be very beneficial to have a mentor to help you move along. If support sounds heavenly, book a call with me. Let’s get you unstuck, chica.
Ready for more?
Be on the lookout for a special email from moi with even more juicy ideas that’ll make your heart-centered biz jump for joy.